From Ukraine to Australia seeking a safe, prosperous life.

Sometimes life is not easy. Having escaped war torn Ukraine with her Gravely ill Mother Halyna, seeking cancer treatment in Asia, Halyna's condition deteriorated rapidly and despite doctors best efforts Halyna passed, Following untenable conditions Lisa chose to leave Asia, Relocating to Western Australia, currently awaiting the results of a refugee application.
"My love for craft began when I was just six years old. I would sit by my mother's side, mesmerized by the rhythmic dance of her needles. One day, with a heart full of curiosity, I asked her to teach me, and she lovingly obliged. Those precious moments sparked the creations you see before you."

A passion for teaching others
Lisa is a qualified teacher who enjoys sharing knowledge and engaging with students of all ages, committed to educational excellence and lifelong learning.

Inspired by Western Australia's Natural Beauty
each piece is a step in my own journey towards healing and rediscovery.